Highbar Technocrat Limited


Highbar has facilitated the next generation digital project management platform especially in metro rail space which consists of 5D BIM (5 Dimensional Building Information Modelling) integrated with SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) supported by OSO (Owner’s Support Office). This is 1st of its kind platform implemented across India for efficient project management at Nagpur Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. This platform is integration of four world class products including SAP, Primavera, Bentley & RIB.

A man writing on laptop

The digital platform offers the enterprise wide core transactional system integrating all business functions and provides business analytics along with engineering drawings in 2D & intelligent 3D drawing formats, project scheduling and a tool which integrates all these software seamlessly providing enterprise wide reporting.

Digital Project Management Platform (5D BIM Integrated with SAP ERP): With the implementation of Digital Project Management platform, we have started focusing on Mega construction projects to adopt this platform and consider for efficient project management at respective projects.

With the implementation of the Digital platform at Nagpur Metro Rail Corporation, Highbar has introduced advanced technologies like Open Text ECM, Linear Asset Management, Re-Land, SRM (Supplier Relationship Management), FLM (File Lifecycle Management) first time in India for a linear Mega project. Maha Metro is using these technologies efficiently for the Nagpur metro project.


Mega infrastructure projects have the following as in-built industry challenges:

  • Time Overrun
  • Cost Overrun
  • Quality Adherence
  • Weak Document Management
  • Lack of effective asset management

Top business benefits of using BIM for construction project owners

  • Improve Construction quality
  • Significantly reduce lifecycle cost
  • Better understand design projects end to end
  • Optimize operational efficiencies & amp; Increase use rate

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