Highbar Technocrat Limited

Coordination of Functional and Technical Teams During Project Implementation:

Does your company have more than one team working on the same project to bring it to a successful conclusion? A functional team gets together regularly to discuss and assess the demands of their customers, find solutions to problems, offer members support, encourage ongoing improvement, and exchange information. A technical team ensures that the regional context is identified and incorporated into the project. Methodologies comprising data collection, criteria, and analysis are recommended and guided throughout the process. They create and analyze reports on technical aspects of projects.

Putting together a centralized online workspace is a piece of cake when you use software like Trello, Zoho Projects, Wrike and many more for managing projects. It provides the members of your team with convenient access at any time. One central location will be used to store and arrange all relevant data for the team so that they can access it when needed. They have access to this 24X7, regardless of the devices they utilize. All of this is advantageous for technical and functional teams that are dispersed among several departments. But this has also been useful for managers of distant teams. Their geographic distance and the time difference no longer harm the process of working together on the project. Their labour can be readily concentrated with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Project Management tools that can assist the seamless co-ordination:


Trello is one of the best tools for managing projects availabletoday. Start a board in seconds, automate time-consuming processes, and work together from anywhere, including on mobile devices. It allows teams to generate ideas, make plans, organize their work, and celebrate their accomplishments in a cooperative, productive, and effective manner.

Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects is a system for managing projects hosted in the cloud and geared toward businesses of medium or small size. It provides scheduling and budgeting for projects, enabling project managers to define project tasks, assign tasks to their teams, estimate project expenses, and track activities in progress.


Wrike gives your teams the tools they need to accomplish the finest work of their lives by providing 360 degrees of visibility, genuine collaboration across departments, and robust automation. Wrike enables you to convert every meeting, conversation, and ideation session into actionable plans and outcomes.

Soft Skills that can assist the seamless co-ordination:

Improved Collaborative Efforts

A characteristic that makes integrated project management software a valuable addition to the working environment is the capacity to facilitate cooperation because of the project management tool and the level of cross-team coordination. Multiple teams cooperate on a project by exchanging files and providing feedback at each stage. In addition, they can access the numerous checklists and reports that are important for the practical completion of the project.

The utilization of software for project management allows every team member to view, in real-time, any changes that have been made to the associated documentation. They might have squandered a lot of time if they hadn’t had the instrument. This is because managing the collection of multiple mail-in copies of essential documents and meeting notes is an impossible undertaking.

Communication that is Clear and Concise

Communication in real-time is a function that one may find in project management software, which is quite analogous to collaboration. This makes it possible for the various teams to communicate in real-time. In a nutshell, it enables cross-functional teams to become more effective in their work and make valuable contributions to the success of projects and the organization.

Full Transparency

Many people believe that honesty and open communication are essential to the success of any enterprise. When team members are located in different parts of the world or other divisions of a single firm, this is very important to keep in mind. The use of project management software can assist in the creation of a single workspace that is centralized and can be shared. Because of this, every team member can view all the tasks and the relationships between the activities and can, therefore, clearly grasp what must be done to achieve positive outcomes.

Many people believe that honesty and open communication are essential to the success of any enterprise. When team members are located in different parts of the world or other divisions of a single firm, this is very important to keep in mind. The use of project management software can assist in the creation of a single workspace that is centralized and can be shared. Because of this, every team member can view all the tasks and the relationships between the activities and can, therefore, clearly grasp what must be done to achieve positive outcomes.

Real-Time Monitoring of the Project

Monitoring the project is another factor that emphasizes using straightforward software for project management. In the past, for clients to track the development of a project, they were required to schedule frequent meetings with the project team. Not only did this squander their time, but it also further slowed down the progress toward completing the assignment.

Integration of PM tools, on the other hand, has made the process much simpler to control. One can improve the method of project monitoring with its use, and this improvement can occur in real-time. 21% of businesses believe that real-time status dashboards have become one of the most popular ways to monitor the development of a project.

It is vital to strengthen coordination between different teams and implement the usage of straightforward project management software. This not only helps to improve communication and save more time, but it also contributes to improving workflow and ensuring that deliverables are completed on time.

About us:

Highbar Technocrat Limited, an SAP Gold Partner, helps clients in India and abroad to help them manage change. Highbar adopts an integrated approach to help you rethink your business, with a high level of agility and efficiency. At Highbar we see disruption as an opportunity to help clients transform their business with granular solutions.

Handling change requires confidence in decision making and Highbar enables this confidence in clients. Our forte is offering digitally integrated solutions for the Infrastructure, EC&O, Real Estate, Mining, Oil & Gas, Power, Smart Cities, Government, Manufacturing sectors, and a lot more. Our domain expertise combined with the ERP helps clients become intelligent enterprises and highly receptive to the needs of customers. With our strategic alliances, we help clients transform business operations, leverage data, and integrate sustainability to match the speed of change.

For further information, don’t hesitate to contact us by e-mail at enquiry@highbartech.com or by telephone at +91 89767 11399.

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