Highbar Technocrat Limited


An Internet of Things is an ecosystem made up of web-enabled smart devices that make use of embedded systems, such as processors, sensors, and communication hardware, to collect, send, and act on the data they collect from their environments. When IoT devices connect to an IoT gateway or other edge device, they can share the sensor data they acquire, which can then be forwarded to the cloud for analysis or examined locally. These gadgets can talk with one another and act on the information they receive from one another at various times during the day. The devices do the majority of their tasks without the need for human participation, while individuals can interact with them in a variety of ways, such as by setting them up, giving them instructions, or accessing the data.


Here are four examples of how the Internet of Things adds value in the corporate world.

  • Automated warnings are sent out: Bots may, for example, take the position of human foremen and forewomen in a plant, saving them the time and effort of monitoring tens of thousands of devices. As soon as an IoT sensor detects that the speed of a widget manufacturing line has decreased significantly in the last hour, a bot can send out an alert to a factory worker so that they can perform triage to ascertain what the problem might be and fix this before a vital client order deadline is missed. More complex artificial intelligence systems may even be able to analyze and correct the problem without human intervention.
  • Predictive maintenance: Internet of Things sensors can detect essential performance indicators for, for example, jet engines and alert the user when a particular set of data is out of boundaries. There are two good outcomes from discovering problems early: business continuity is improved (you don’t have to ground an aero plane or ground it for as long), and money is saved by just performing repairs when they are required by a component, rather than performing maintenance on a generic schedule.
  • Improving the efficiency of operations: Using sensors, you may collect data about inventory stock (such as the amount of product on-hand, its weight, temperature, and so on), and bots can feed that data into business systems are designed to perform real-time analysis and correlation with data about current client demand. The ability to undertake proactive replenishment of inventory—whether raw materials or finished products—ensures that you never run out of stock and never have too much of it is a valuable asset.
  • Ensuring compliance with the law: Because circumstances are monitored in real-time, adherence to federal, state, or industry requirements that have been set for your sort of business is never a concern because of the technology. Compliance is crucial in such situations since failing to comply with hygienic conditions for, for example, food or pharmaceutical manufacturing sectors can result in hefty fines and penalties being levied against you. The most effective way to demonstrate use-cases of enhanced quality, increased productivity, or cost reduction is to correlate sensor and artefact data with other data or digital services that are already available within the organization, using the physical-digital-physical loop principle as a foundation:
  • Physical-world: the connected things capture the relevant data that can be exploited
  • Digital world: In the digital world, data is received by information systems, allowing for analysis and the completion of tasks.
  • The physical world: The instructions from the systems are usually inserted into the objects, causing them to accomplish the pre-programmed functions.
  • Asset repair and maintenance costs are reduced due to the ability to model asset behaviour to eliminate flaws and errors predictably. As a result, both maintenance costs and machine downtime are reduced, as is machine downtime.
  • Compliance with regulatory standards is improved as a result of real-time monitoring of working conditions on industrial sites, which allows for greater assurance of compliance with protocols in place across the production chain.
  • Using a computer model rather than monitoring from the ground can dramatically reduce spending and increase business efficiency. Tracking space usage and comparing actual output to projected output can significantly reduce expenses and increase business efficiency, as can measuring actual output against projected output.

RPA makes it easier to integrate data generated by the Internet of Things (from sensors and devices) into the firm’s numerous systems and third-party systems. Thus, it is possible to implement this combination of automated procedures without having to alter the designs or develop a specific link. Another advantage is that IoT use-cases and prototypes can be evaluated much more easily, comprehensively, quickly. Without incurring high additional costs (such as system development), that can be difficult to justify as long as the advantages of the use cases are not demonstrably superior to the charges.

Because the data generated and communicated by the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to make your organization more innovative. However, until you take advantage of this data and incorporate it into your business operations, you will not reap the full benefits.

It is possible to build this connection between physical and digital worlds using intelligent automation and the Internet of Things (IoT), and back again if needed. In a nutshell, RPA makes the data from the Internet of Things usable. The improvements made feasible by the collaboration of the two technologies today provide tremendous benefits and significant competitive advantages to businesses across a wide range of industries.


Highbar Technocrat is one of the leading end-to-end IT solution providers for the Infrastructure, EC&O, Real Estate, and Power sectors. They are SAP Gold partner and offer a wide bouquet of digitally integrated solutions ranging from implementing SAP-based ERP solutions like Rise with S/4HANA, Cloud-based solutions to 5D BIM for mega infra-projects, RPA & IoT solutions, and many more. With an in-depth understanding and core competence of the construction & infrastructure industry, Highbar is the perfect blend of domain knowledge in the infrastructure business with a team that is well equipped to understand and relate to the requirements of the sector.

To know more write us at enquiry@highbartech.com or call +91 89767 11399

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