Those considering a new ERP system are confronted with alarming statistics: according to surveys, over half of all ERP systems fail, with expenses drastically exceeding budgets, timetables not being reached, and improvements falling short of expectations.
1. Many firms regard ERP software as the silver bullet solution to all of their problems, but they don’t spend enough time defining the specifics of what they’re attempting to accomplish or how they’ll assess success.
2. Every ERP adoption should be done step by step. This begins with putting together the right project team, including a project manager, key users, and IT personnel. To avoid knowledge gaps later, pivotal users should cover all major business sectors, including buying, selling, logistics, economics, composition, measuring, and service.
3. Poor connection between administration, the project team, employees, and the software merchant troubles many ERP implementations. Gossip and critique can increase if faculty interests
and queries are not marked, posing another hurdle for the implementation unit.
4. Obtaining executive backing for your ERP project from the start is critical to its success. The CEO or owner frequently leads the project in smaller businesses, so support is already in place. However, this is a mistake we see more regularly in larger firms.
5. A specialized ERP project team is critical to the project’s success. Companies make mistakes by not putting the correct personnel on the project team.
6. Companies that expect a quick, low-cost, high-quality solution from an ERP implementation are likely to be disappointed. It all comes down to finding the appropriate balance given the importance of your ERP system to your company.
7. Be explicit about your expectations. After a company decides to deploy a new ERP system, the first step is to establish a clear definition of success. Often, issues arise due to a lack of agreement on the problems to be tackled, the desired goal, or the project’s unique financial reason.
8. The most typical miscalculation is underestimating resources. It’s crucial to have a firm grasp of the internal and external resources required to execute the project.
9. Varied firms have different procurement goals for their ERP systems: one may want to increase supply chain visibility, another may wish to minimize parts procurement lead times, and another may want to improve the quality of purchased goods.
10. Every endeavor of this magnitude begins with a plan. The plans, on the other hand, are frequently unrealistic, precise, and exact. Companies often construct a high-level plan based on
broad assumptions or misjudge the number of business changes that would be necessary.
To avoid incurring extra costs (the critical component in a recipe for failure), businesses must conduct due diligence to find the best solution for the tasks at hand. They should start by defining business process models from beginning to end.
Highbar Technocrat is one of the leading end-to-end IT solution provider for the Infrastructure, EC&O, Real Estate, and Power sectors. They are SAP Gold partner and offer a wide bouquet of digitally integrated solutions ranging from implementing SAP-based ERP solutions like S/4HANA, RISE, Cloud-based solutions to 5D BIM for mega infra-projects, RPA & IoT solutions, and many more. With an in-depth understanding and core competence of the construction & infrastructure industry, Highbar has demonstrated expertise in the Private, Public, and Government sectors covering roads, ports, smart cities, airports, railways, irrigation, power, water supply, as well as urban and industrial infrastructure like telecom, manufacturing, and mining sectors. Highbar is the perfect blend of domain knowledge in the infrastructure business with a team that is well equipped to understand and relate to the requirements of the sector.
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