Highbar Technocrat Limited


Highbar Technocrat Limited with the help of integrated CRM tools helps to track all the contacts with the clients, maintain client-wise records and assist in better servicing of the customer. This is very important as rich customer experience results in better acquisition and retention of customers. We at Highbar Technocrat, help the real estate industry to take care of various aspects of client management such as lead management, sales, marketing, customer care and services.

Key features of CRM tools
  • Contract and account management
  • Lead / Opportunity management
  • Sales forecasting
  • Marketing content storage and presentation
  • Campaign management
  • Reports and analytics

For the real estate and infrastructure industry, it is very important to create, manage and retain the client base. Creating a database of prospective customers, following up with them, and managing the entire marketing and sales cycle are key activities which are not managed properly can result in an under-performing sales team. Also, visibility to sales pipeline with a clear view of the sales cycle where a particular lead can be helpful for the management to track whether the sales efforts are on target.

  • Increased sales effectiveness
  • Increased customer loyalty and referrals through better servicing
  • Integrated client information across the organization
  • Visibility to management about the sales pipeline.
  • Identifying trends regarding lead sources and conversions

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