Highbar with the help of world-class ERP tools enables clients to manage all the information and functions from single database. With our domain knowledge and extensive ERP implementation experience, we have developed templatised solutions for infrastructure and real estate industries. This helps us to reduce the overall implementation cycle time and ensure quicker ROI. We treat an ERP implementation as business transformation initiative ensuring IT work culture adoption for our customers through data discipline and business value extraction.

Need and challenges:
With the rapid growth of infrastructure industry, for infrastructure and real estate companies to sustain the growth, they need standard scalable processes and end-to-end visibility across business. Furthermore the fast changing business conditions and cutting edge competition is forcing the industry to improve efficiencies across the value chain while reducing the costs and cycle time. Also, need for improved governance and transparency in operations is essential for increasing investor confidence for meeting funding needs.
Some of key challenges can be summarized as follows:
- Lack of visibility across projects because of increased size as well as complexity of businesses.
- Unorganized information makes it challenging to access the information. Also data spread across different systems results in duplication of data and efforts.
- Eroding margins due to increased competition and increasing prices of raw materials making it imperative to improve project tracking for better control and execution
- Better and transparent financial control to avail funding for sustainable growth.
Solutions and Benefits:
Some of the key benefits of world-class ERP are
- Better control of projects through end-to-end visibility across projects
- One set of figures resulting in quick retrieval of reliable information across the organization
- Better controls, alerts, exception reporting
- Reduced top management mindshare required in day-to-day operations
- Reduction in costs and wastages
- Increased level of governance
- Better inventory management
- More control on equipments and tools increasing capacity utilization