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The first key is the scope and speed of the decisions that the project team can make within the four walls of the SAP project; the second key is the complexity of SAP integrations with the software providers of third parties; and the third key is the number of integrations that can be performed. The third essential factor is the breadth and depth of SAP’s enhancements.

Key No. 1: The ability to make decisions quickly is the first and most important key, as it is by far the most important factor. Using the 80/20 rule, I could easily give all 80% of the points to Key #1; however, given that we have two more keys, I will have to settle for 70% of the points here and use the remaining 20% and 10% for the two other keys respectively. I adore SCRUM, and I believe that the SCRUM operating model should serve as the gold standard for any self-sufficient team that should be authorized to make all decisions within the confines of the team itself. Self-sufficiency is a characteristic shared by all high-performing teams.

To expedite the SAP implementation process and meet tight deadlines, it is necessary to delegate greater authority to the project team. When the team is given more autonomy, the implementation process can progress more swiftly, just like how Navy Seals, Green Berets, and other elite units in the military, healthcare, and business each rely on their own independent organizational structures when human lives are at stake and time is of the essence. Similarly, SAP implementation companies also have their own unique organizational setups.

You need to:

  • Create an official plan for the business.
  • The capability Map Needs to Be Prioritized.
  • Align key information technology systems with the capability map.
  • Define the guiding principles for the SAP project.

Following the steps outlined above, you will have enabled your SAP project team to function independently. Assuming that everything else is the same, the success of your SAP project depends on the first key, which determines whether it will be completed in 4-6 months, struggle for several years before anything workable appears, or fall somewhere in between the two extremes.

Key No. 2: In 2016 and 2017, Gartner published a set of articles titled “Postmodern ERP.” In these articles, Gartner analysts explained in detail why the new term they coined, “postmodern Your high-performance team will pressure itself into working whatever hours are necessary to be successful, but you have no control over the partners in the business. Consider any of the banking interfaces you use and the changes you made at the last minute that you need to test before the weekend or, heaven forbid, one of the banking holidays. You will immediately understand why this point is of such critical significance.

The lesson that can be learned from Key #2 is that it is important to select partners that can move at your speed and have a flexible (also known as API-driven and tested) “black box” integration approach that they currently use with hundreds of other partners. After it has been installed, SAP is considered part of the network; a network is only as strong as its weakest link. Find the link with the least amount of flexibility, and you will have found the primary factor affecting how quickly SAP can be deployed.

Key No. 3: Determine the extent of the SAP customization. There is a common misconception that SAP customizations are the single most important factor that determines the success or failure of an SAP deployment and the single most important thing that determines how quickly SAP can be implemented. It is something with which I’m afraid I have to disagree. Coming back to the evaluation, we did use the 70/20/10 framework at the beginning of the article; I want to emphasize that I would not give more than 10% of the weight to this factor, and here is why. Do the preparation work before correctly implementing SAP. You will have a high level of certainty regarding what SAP can do for you and what it cannot, and you will avoid building high-risk customizations within SAP.

Having a team with extensive knowledge of SAP and SAP analytics working on your project can be very beneficial. These experts can act as canaries, alerting you when someone attempts to perform an action in SAP that they shouldn’t. However, it’s important to keep in mind the actions that should never be taken in SAP.

When it comes to deciding which SAP enhancement to implement, the primary factor to consider is money, followed closely by the availability of internal resources for the project. Having control over these resources can be helpful in the event of time constraints, as you can prioritize tasks and move things along more quickly if needed.

A split of 70/20/10 that was manufactured at the beginning of the posting can be adjusted to the more conventional 80/20, and the posting can be summed up as follows:

There are only two factors that will determine how quickly your SAP implementation is carried out:

  • The most important factor in determining the speed of your SAP implementation is the degree to which the SAP Project team is empowered to make decisions without consulting with any additional stakeholders.
  • A distant second is the number and complexity of integrations, especially with third-party software providers.

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